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Deep Sea Dolphin

Name: David

Sex: Male

Birthday: May 9, 1978

Age: 29

Location: Southern California

Job: College Student, Looking for a part time job right now

Hobbies: War games, RPGs, Collectible Card Games, Japanese Anime, Videogames

Music: A lot of stuff. Pretty much anything by Megumi Hayashibara is my favorite though. I don't like rap.

Fav Book: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dune series, and the Honor Harrington series

Fav Movie: Hunt for Red October, Braveheart, Labyrinth, and Mulan

Fav TV Show: Babylon 5 and Fushigi Yuugi

Fav Quote or Saying: I don't cheat! I just bend the rules a little.

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: My whole life is strange. I have the weirdest luck and could write a book about it. *Grin*

Most Influential Person: Both my grandmothers, my aunt who adopted me, and my niece

What You Want to be: Political Science teacher

Future Goals: To teach. To terrorize my friends for a long long time. To enjoy life.

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Family loyalty just because they share blood with you(has some real scummy family). Now family loyalty because they share emotions and hardships, that's something I respect.

Worst Feeling in the World: Two things. One is when someone you love dearly dies. The other is a failed relationship.

Best Feeling in the World: Being in love

What Makes You Cry the Most: When someone I love dies or failed love

Physical Description: 5'11", brown hair and eyes, glasses


Ways to Contact DSD

 1st Home Page

 2nd Home Page


Other Handles

 Hellmaster Phibrizza