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Lady of Dreams

Name: The Lady of Dreams

Sex: Female

Birthday: February 26, 1983

Age: 24

Location: Morehead City, NC

Job: College Student

Hobbies: Reading, Movies, MUSIC, and Rping

Music: Heavy metal (KoRn)

Fav Book: The Silver Wolf

Fav Movie: A Tme to Kill

Fav TV Show: ummm........Ricki Lake

Fav Quote or Saying: Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I'm scared of elevators.

Most Influential Person: Susan B. Anthony

What You Want to be: Clinical Social Worker

Future Goals: To get my masters degree in clinical social work and work with abused children

Most over-rated Thing in Life: I would say sex, but then I'd be lying.

Worst Feeling in the World: Hurting another

Best Feeling in the World: When you make someone esle smile

What Makes You Cry the Most: Pain

Physical Description: I'm 5 foot 10 inches tall. I have curly brownish red hair and hazel eyes.


Ways to Contact Dreams

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 87254626

 AOL Handle - Kaliekaila

 Yahoo IM - sweetmidnight_dreams

 MSN IM - sage112