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Name: Mark

Sex: Male

Age: 38

Birthday: February, 27 1969

Location: Chatham

Job: IT Manager

Hobbies: Love Role Play, Painting, Writing Music, Fishing

Music: Depends on my mood

Fav Book: Any Pratchett

Fav Movie: Again depends on my mood

Fav TV Show: Black Adder

Fav Quote or Saying: I'm not me. I'm someone else and he's gone with me too.....gone to pieces out to lunch.

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I used to be a tramp living rough on the streets of London.

What You Want To Be: A Tree

Future Goals: To Live

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Food

Worst Feeling in the World: Being let down by another

Best Feeling in the World: Spontanious generosity

What Makes You Cry the Most: People's ignorance

Physical Description: Tall, blonde, long hair, well built and dress strangely


Ways to Contact Elfish

 ICQ Number-123095270