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Fargo (Mad Dog) McCloud

Name: Fargo McCloud

Sex: Male

Age: 36

Location: The greater metropolitan area

Job: Office Manager

Birthday: September 14, 1971

Hobbies: Magic: The Gathering, Writing, Drawing, The Net, Comics, Reading, Baseball, Football, and so many more

Music: all, favorite all the time: The Doors; Favorite now: either Offspring or Green Day. I love all types of music.

Fav Book: It by Stephen King, Close seconds are Misery by Stephen King and The Lord of the Rings Books

Fav Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show, One Flew over the Coco's Nest, Silence of the Lambs, Miller's Crossing, Man of the Mancha, and many more

Fav TV Show: M.A.S.H., Twin Peaks, Soap

Fav Quote or Saying: " When I'm an old man 0f 65 or so, out on the back porch in my rocking chair. I want to regret the things I did, not the things I didn't." Micheal Caine

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I'll write a story about it someday don't wanna ruin it here. Sorry as for close. Where I grew up I kept running into people in bands and it's cool to look back and remember. "Anthrax" used to practice in the basement around the corner from me. I used to take the broken drumsticks when they left. The guys from "Nuclear Assult" were sitting on the church steps one night, I didn't know who they were. I said great song to what they had on the radio. They asked me to hang out. There's a lot of stuff like that.


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