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Lord Firefox Mishima

Name: Scott

Sex: Male

Birthday: February 11, 1984

Age: 24

Location: Adams, NY

Job: Unemployed for now

Hobbies: Role Play, Talking with friends, Listening to music

Music: Anything and everything basically

Fav Book: Colin Forbes books

Fav Movie: I have many

Fav TV Show: Tech tv shows ie: Screensavers, Call for help, eye drops, X play

Fav Quote or Saying: Don't really have one

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Nothing really

Most Influential Person: Lady Isolde, and Lord Saint McCloud

What You Want to be: Web designer

Future Goals: Being happy...sometimes it seems its too much to ask for

Worst Feeling in the World: Lonliness

Best Feeling in the World: Falling in love

What Makes You Cry the Most: The fear of being alone

Physical Description: Short brown hair, brown eyes, little bit over weight, and tall lol

Any Other Comments: Great page Cam


Ways to Contact Firefox


 ICQ Number - 72431470

 AOL Handle - firefoxmishima

 Yahoo IM - kooldawg84