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Name: Guinevere Lady of Camelot Queen to The House of Avalon SC

Sex: Female

Age: Over 400 years

Location: Camelot England Fair

Job: RT~Marketing VT~Queen

Birthday: December 13th

Hobbies: RP, Sci Fi, Reading, Cooking, Shopping!

Music: The Corrs, Jethro Tull, the list is endless

Fav Book: The Hobbit

Fav Movie: Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, Star Wars, Star Trek

Fav TV Show: Star Trek, X-Files

Fav Quote or Saying: Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born untill they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Strange fact or story that happen to you: After driving up along the ridge of the volcano in Montserrat, and my daughter asking what if it errupts mummy and my ensuing comment of ~Look its been quiet for hundreds of years why would it choose today? Of course it did errupt as we all know that day! and so I have a daughter who always questions me now!

Any other comments? About life in general? hmm I have learnt that one can never truely know a person. We all present facades and love truely is blind.

Most Influential Person: Many have been influential in my life over the years each of my true friends has brought an influence to bear and thus shape my life.

What You Want To Be: I want to be as truthful as possible, to think before I speak,to realise that I cant do everything.

Future Goals: To help any that need help, to listen to those that have problems, to offer a shoulder to cry on, to realise that there are so many that are hurting and that sometimes a kind word is all it takes!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Marketing! People saying I love you and not truely meaning it.

Worst Feeling in the World: Knowing you can do nothing to stop a bad thing happening, being decieved.

Best Feeling in the World: Holding a baby in your arms, being in love and knowing you might just have made a difference.

What Makes You Cry the Most: Death, Deceit

Physical Description: 5'6", black brown hair shoulder length, dark brown eyes, olive skin, a temper and a very sharp tongue!


Ways to Contact Guinevere


 1st Home Page

 2nd Home Page

 ICQ Number - 9039809

 AOL Handle - Avalon9039