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Princess Ivy

Name: Terri

Sex: Female

Birthday: June 9, 1981

Age: 26

Location: Glenwood, AR

Job: None

Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, chatting

Music: Anything good, mostly Metallica

Fav Book: The Vampire Lestat

Fav Movie: Legend

Fav TV Show: That 70's Show

Fav Quote or Saying: Fuck no! Not today, thank you kindly!

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Nothing interesting at the moment

Most Influential Person: My best friend, Dale

What You Want to be: An artist

Future Goals: To go to art school

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: Being alone

Best Feeling in the World: Being in love

What Makes You Cry the Most: Losing those I love

Physical Description: five foot two, brown hair, green eyes, glasses, about 125lbs.

Ways to Contact Princess Ivy

 AOL Handle - NecroPrincess69

 Yahoo IM - jillvalentine812000