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Name: Kit

Sex: Female

Birthday: July 25, 1980

Age: 27

Location: Washington

Job: Full Time Student

Hobbies: Playing my Clarinet, Writting, Altering pics with PSP, Reading

Music: Anything but rap

Fav Book: Arrows of the Queen by M. Lacky

Fav Movie: Macross Plus

Fav TV Show: Ranma 1/2

Fav Quote or Saying: "A journey of a hundred mile begins with the first step"

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I was walking down the street and found five hundred dollars (no it wasn't in a wallet it was just lying there)

Most Influential Person: High school English Teacher

What You Want to be: Court Reporter

Future Goals: To get through school join the airforce as an officer

Worst Feeling in the World: Being ignored

Best Feeling in the World: Being Loved

What Makes You Cry the Most: The thought of being totaly alone


Ways to Contact Kit


 ICQ Number - 70987242