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Princess Kitty

Name: Isabel

Sex: Female

Birthday: February 1, 1986

Age: 22

Location: Ontario, Canada

Job: High School

Hobbies: Chatting, Singing, Dancing, Hanging out, and Shopping

Music: Anything really...

Fav Book: I don't have one

Fav Movie: 'My Best Friend's Wedding' or 'Titanic'

Fav TV Show: Cheers or Golden Girls

Fav Quote or Saying: Kiss me you fool

What You Want to be: Vet

Future Goals: Get married, be a vet, have kids...etc

Worst Feeling in the World: Having a broken heart

Best Feeling in the World: Being happy and in love

What Makes You Cry the Most: Romantic movies and slow songs

Physical Description: Well i'm 5'1", 100 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm sweet, cool and funny


Ways to Contact Kitty

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 75676565

 AOL Handle - o0sweet0heart0o

 Yahoo IM - isabel_kitty