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Name: Karen

Sex: Female

Age: 35

Location: Virginia

Job: Full time internet junkie and very good at my job!

Birthday: November 3, 1971

Hobbies: Shopping, Internet, Shopping, Reading, Shopping, Cooking, Shopping, Dining out, Shopping

Music: Like most any music except country. I listen to mostly rock and techno, but also have a fondness for classical.

Fav Book: Swan Song by Robert McCammon and Midnight by Dean Koontz actually, anything by either of them.

Fav Movie: Can't narrow it down, any movie that has brilliant actors with a good twisting plot. I like Robert DeNiro, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery. I'm more into a good movie rather than action flicks, comedies, or horrors, but dont care for serious dramas.

Fav TV Show: Frasier, X-Files, Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, CBS Sunday Morning

Fav Quote or Saying: Heav'n hath no rage like love to hatred turn'd, Nor hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd -William Congreve

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I was once accused of being a witch and was supposedly going to sacrifice a puppy on Halloween. This woman was dead serious. And loud! I was buying a puppy from her for my 2 year old daughter, and she walked me to my car, saw a horror book on the front seat, (the day was Halloween) and gave me my money back after snatching the puppy from me, saying that no dog of hers would be scrificed by a witch that night. As I tried to convince her that it was only a book I was reading, she was steadily backing away from me telling me I was gradually being possessed by the devil. Needless to say, I didnt get the dog.

Most Influential Person: A very dear friend of mine

What You Want To Be: A very well rounded person, and not literally either!

Future Goals: To stop aging by year 30

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Religion

Worst Feeling in the World: Being dumped

Best Feeling in the World: Infatuation

What Makes You Cry the Most: Bittersweet Stories

Physical Description: 5'6", blonde hair almost waist length, blue eyes, fair complexion, weight? I dont think so!


Ways to Contact Linda

 ICQ Number - 35752033

 AOL Handle - Fae Elaine