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Magic Me

Name: Jeanne

Sex: Female

Age: I can't remember!

Location: Southern California

Job: Teacher

Birthday: June 8th

Hobbies: Reading, Crafts

Music: I like Most kinds of Music...From Classical To Ozzy!

Fav Book: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, David and Leigh Eddings, Anything thing by the above Authors

Fav Movie: Star Wars

Fav TV Show: I haven't watch TV in 2 years...When I did ER!

Fav Quote or Saying: Love Me when I least deserve it that is when I need it most!

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I was a stolen child!

Most Influential Person: My Mother

What You Want To Be: I am a very lucky I always wanted to teach from that time I was little and I am!

Future Goals: To Be the Best I can be and always be there when a friend is in need!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: AGE!

Worst Feeling in the World: You have let someone down!

Best Feeling in the World: Seeing a loving Smile!

What Makes You Cry the Most: I am a softy I can Cry for Happy as much as for being sad!

Physical Description: 5'5", redish brown hair, brown eyes, weight Too Much


Ways to Contact Magic Me