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Markus (Bluemage) McCloud

Name: Gerardo

Sex: Male

Age: 34

Location: Quillota, Chile

Job: Student (only for a few more weeks, I hope. After that, Agronomist)

Birthday: September 14th

Hobbies: Comics, Computers Stuff, Play Guitar, Write Tales

Music: Almost everything, but speacilly Heavy Metal But you'll never, never make me listen Country or Tropical Music!

Fav Book: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion

Fav Movie: hmmmm Star Wars (all of them), An Orange Clockwork, Apocalypse now

Fav TV Show: The X-Files, Millenium, Friends

Fav Quote or Saying: ¡¿Qué onda?! (that means something like: "what do you mean?!")

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I can't remember any

Most Influential Person: Francisco Gardiazabal, my teacher of Subtropical Fruit-Trees Production (my Guru)

What You Want To Be: Right now, an Agronomist later on, why not a writer? But I think I'll be a great reader! ~laughs~

Future Goals: To make a good career in my profession, get a nice place where to live, and to meet personally my best on-line friends

Most over-rated Thing in Life: True and SINCERE friends

Worst Feeling in the World: Insecurity

Best Feeling in the World: Love and Trust

What Makes You Cry the Most: When somebody that I care disappoints me

Physical Description: Black and short hair, brown eyes, 5'9", 137 lbs


Ways to Contact Markus

 Home Page

 ICQ Number-16324971

 AOL Handle-MagoAzul