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Mystical Mei

Name: Meichelle

Sex: Female

Birthday: September 24, 1973

Age: 34

Location: Ohio

Job: Medical Secretary

Hobbies: Art, Martial Art, Dance, Writing, Poetry

Music: Little of this, a little of that, pretty much a hodgepodge of things

Fav Book: Mists of Avalon

Fav Movie: None at the moment

Fav TV Show: Who's line is it anyway

Fav Quote or Saying: Too many to list

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Uhmm.. lets not go there lololol

Most Influential Person: My Mother

What You Want to be: Rich and Famous *laughs*

Future Goals: To be Rich and Famous

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: To know that there isnt anything you can do, when you know the person you love is dying

Best Feeling in the World: Children

What Makes You Cry the Most: Lets not go there either

Physical Description: 5'2, dark auburn hair, green eyes, medium build


Ways to Contact Mei

 Yahoo IM - ask me please

 MSN IM - ask me please