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Michial Riley-McCloud & Matthew Lorean

Name: Andrew

Sex: Male

Birthday: July 4, 1976

Age: 31

Location: Nevada, Soon to be New York

Job: Doctor (OBGYN)

Hobbies: Spending time with my family, Chatting, Jamming to music, and just chillin

Music: Anything, everything but gimme 80's rock and I will be so jammin

Fav Book: Books oh those things with the pages and stuff umm I guess Interview with the Vampire

Fav Movie: Con Air, the Patriot, Joe vs. the Volcano (yeah I know dumb movie but it is so funny!)

Fav TV Show: Dragon Ball Z (So its a cartoon I refuse to grow up)

Fav Quote or Saying: Life's a play and men and women are merely players in it. (face it ya'll we are all players LOL)

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: That my friends I will tell you if you ask me one on one *laughs*

Most Influential Person: Calvin off the comic *nods* My role model there LOL

What You Want to be: A Kid again when nothing else mattered

Future Goals: To be the best Dad there ever was

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Death yeah it sucks but we all gotta go through it sometime soon as we are born we start to die

Worst Feeling in the World: Hate, Pure and Simple it will eat you up from the inside out and will destroy your life

Best Feeling in the World: Being loved and looked up to by a child

What Makes You Cry the Most: When I watch my children just play 90% of the time I will shed at least one tear of simple Joy

Physical Description: 6 foot 3, brown hair, blue eyes, "skinny as a rail"


Ways to Contact Michial / Matthew

 Yahoo IM - strawberry_chapst