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Name: Mischief

Sex: Female

Age: 35 going on 17

Location: Utah

Job: Entertainment Consultant for Direct TV

Birthday: May 24, 1972

Hobbies: Writting, Playing Pool, and Spending Time with Mr. Mischief!

Music: Just about everything and anything but rap and R&B

Fav Book: The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

Fav Movie: The Crow

Fav TV Show: Married With Children

Fav Quote or Saying: "I'll Make you famous!"

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I've got many stories and weird facts just not enough space here ~laughs~

Any other comments? I live up to my name!

Most Influential Person: I'd have to say Mr. Mischief

What You Want To Be: I want to be me

Future Goals: To have an exciting and boundless relationship with someone who loves me eternally and to make enough money to live life to it's fullest.

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Success ~laughs~ a little contraductory I know

Worst Feeling in the World: Longing

Best Feeling in the World: True Love

What Makes You Cry the Most: Longing

Physical Description: 5'2", red hair, all one length and down to my shoulders, blue eyes, petite


Ways to Contact Mischief

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 14269773