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Lady Misty Lightspirit

Name: Misty

Sex: Female

Birthday: October 21, 1983

Age: 24

Location: Baytown, Texas

Job: None

Hobbies: Chatting,Talking on the Phone, Playing Video Games, Watching TV...being lazy

Music: Techno and Rock

Fav Book: Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of Mystery and Terror

Fav Movie: Oh there are so many

Fav TV Show: I have a lot of those too

Fav Quote or Saying: "You are the weakest link,goodbye!"

Future Goals: I want to either be an actress or a director

Worst Feeling in the World: Being ignored

Best Feeling in the World: Being loved by friends and a special someone

What Makes You Cry the Most: Movies

Any Other Comments: I'll only add you to my messengers if you are a chatter in EC. Also I have it to where no one outside of my AIM contact list can add me or contact me. So if you don't get me on there, get me on my other messengers.

Physical Description: Red hair, Tiny figure, Blue eyes that turn green on occasions


Ways to Contact Misty

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 108664266

 AOL Handle - Moonlghtshadow83

 Yahoo IM - ggarbofan0083