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Name: Missy

Sex: Female

Age: 28

Location: Pennsylvania

Job: Student at Slippery Rock University

Birthday: February 16, 1980

Hobbies: Andy (my boyfriend and get your mind out of the gutter!!), Listening to Music, Playing Music (acoustic guitar), Writing Poetry, Internet Stuff

Music: Anything in my Winamp!

Fav Book: I don't really read anymore

Fav Movie: I don't really watch movies

Fav TV Show: I don't watch TV

Fav Quote or Saying: "It's only fair that you know forever's as far as I'll go."

Strange fact or story that happen to you: My boyfriend and I met through the Yahoo personal ads and through a good friend that he knew in elementary school and I in high school. He's also the perfect match for me and I love him to death.

Any other comments? I do not chat like I used to, spend a lot more time with my rt life. But I'm always on AOL and usually on ICQ so don't think I dropped off the planet.

Most Influential Person: My Great-grandmother

What You Want To Be: Andy's wife & an Information Technologist

Future Goals: Make money playing with the web

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Don't know

Worst Feeling in the World: Depression

Best Feeling in the World: Being loved by my boyfriend

What Makes You Cry the Most: Depression

Physical Description: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'5" on my homepage


Ways to Contact Paige

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 10689711

 AOL Handle - bluerosepoet