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Pax Ruralis

Name: Adam

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Location: Wind Ridge, PA

Job: Baker/Pastry Chef

Birthday: Feburary 25, 1978

Hobbies: Music (piano and percussion), Horticulture, Reading, Civilisation II (computer game), Writing, Role Playing

Music: Baroque, Classical, Classic Rock, Alternative

Fav Book: Dune

Fav Movie: Remains of the Day

Fav TV Show: Star Trek Voyager, I like movies way better than TV

Fav Quote or Saying: "For my life is but a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing" -Shakespear's McBeth

Any other comments? e-mail me anything interesting (clean things!)

What You Want To Be: Just a good person

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Football


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