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Name: Ricochet

Sex: Male

Birthday: October 16, 1986

Age: 21

Location: Cheltenham

Hobbies: Sleeping and ouija board

Music: Heavy Metal, Rock and Ska

Fav Book: Resident Evil the Umbrella Conspiracy

Fav Movie: Blade or Adventure Duo

Fav TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Fav Quote or Saying: Bollox

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I was once doing a ouija board and I started going mental with all my friends around I started calling them names crying for no reason. It wa really wierd.

Most Influential Person: Friends

What You Want to be: I want to be a guitarist or a singer in a punk band

Future Goals: Read the above

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Arabs

Worst Feeling in the World: Fear itself

Best Feeling in the World: Birthdays

What Makes You Cry the Most: If a relative dies

Physical Description: Purplish hair, big built, 5ft 10, 10 in shoe size, brown eyes


Ways to Contact Ricochet

 Yahoo IM - ricochet

 MSN IM - ricochet