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Ruffian Savage

Name: Roger

Sex: Male

Birthday: May 2nd

Age: N/A

Location: Michigan

Job: Engineer for a major boat manufacturer, but I went back to Grad School this fall & hope to teach

Hobbies: Reading, this darn computer ~laugh~, fantasy-role playing games

Music:I like most music, The Beatles, Phillips, Craig & Dean, Shania Twain, Gloria Estevan, Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Garth Brooks, lots of different stuff

Fav Book: Chronicles of Amber Series by Roger Zelazney

Fav Movie: Same Time Next Year

Fav TV Show: JAG, Boston Public or NBA Basketball

Fav Quote or Saying: Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion.

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I got custody of all 3 of my children when I divorced. Absolutely loved it!

Most Influential Person: My Mother

What You Want To Be: A Good Christian!

Future Goals: To be a teacher by next fall & to adopt a child who needs a good home!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money, it sucks, but you need it to pay the bills.

Worst Feeling in the World: Seeing a child suffer

Best Feeling in the World: When I became a Christian

What Makes You Cry the Most: I'm a hopeless romantic, I can cry at movies for gosh sakes.

Physical Description: Hmmmm 6' tall, sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, beard & mustache


Ways to Contact Ruffian

 ICQ Number - 18186321

 Yahoo IM - rauger_69

 MSN IM - rauger_69