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Ryoko McCloud

Name: Krystal

Sex: Female

Age: 23


Birthday: February 6, 1985

Hobbies: Drawing, Japanese Anime, Animals

Music: Alternative, Anime, Celtic/Scottish

Fav Book: Merlin

Fav Movie: Dragon Heart/Tenchi

Fav TV Show: Tenchi

Fav Quote or Saying: The world is a full of magik and mystery you must only learn to see it through different eyes

Strange fact or story that happen to you: I saw a ghost Ahhhhhhhhh! ~giggles~

Any other comments? Let all be welcome who wish to have fun and never forget once you get to know us your stuck with us ~smiles to all~

Most Influential Person: Dad

What You Want To Be: Vet and Artist

Future Goals: To find out how to make a web sight ~sighs~

Worst Feeling in the World: Hatred

Best Feeling in the World: Love/Happiness

What Makes You Cry the Most: Losing an Animal

Physical Description: Brown hair, Stunning hazel eyes, 5 ft[short], slim figure, great smile


Ways to Contact Ryoko

 ICQ Number - 35017156

 AOL Handle - Ryokoayke