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Saint McCloud

Name: Saint McCloud

Sex: Male

Birthday: January 1, 2010

Age: 40

Location: PA (New Yorker)

Job: Assistant to Miss Cleo

Hobbies: Internet, Writing, Reading, My Car, Working Out, Pets

Music: Most any 'cept rap or country anything from barry white to beethoven

Fav Book: The bible

Fav Movie: The Saint w/Val Kilmer

Fav TV Show: Enterprise, Smallville, Gillmore Girls, Andromeda, Mutant X, Dexters Lab

Fav Quote or Saying: The saddest words of tongue or pen; what might have been...

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I was captured by aliens and gave THEM an anal probe

Most Influential Person: My lil girl, my mom, my family

What You Want to be: A published author of several novels

Future Goals: Raise my daughter happy and healthy, Finish novel, Restore my car, Lose about 20 lds, Let go of past

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: When someone ya love is hurting or gone

Best Feeling in the World: Making someone happy

What Makes You Cry the Most: Someone from my past

Physical Description: 6ft, dark brown eyes, and hair 225 lbs, red beard


Ways to Contact Saint

 Homepages: Working on it...

 ICQ Number - 106711654