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Name: Nikki

Sex: Female

Birthday: September 13, 1983

Age: 24

Location: Cheltenham

Job: Student/ Carer

Hobbies: Anything Outgoing

Music: R&B, Rap, Rock

Fav Book: Of mice and men

Fav Movie: Highlander and anything gory

Fav TV Show: Scrubs

Fav Quote or Saying: Life's a Bitch

Most Influential Person: My Parents

Future Goals: To go in for forensics

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Soaps

Worst Feeling in the World: Being sick

Best Feeling in the World: Being with people who care about you

What Makes You Cry the Most: Family /friends pass away

Physical Description: 5'9, br hair, br eyes, outgoing, adventurous, got my eyebrow, belly, inner eyes and round the eyes, tonuge and ...... peirced, giant tattoo


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