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Sharky Riley

Name: Jason

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 14, 1981

Age: 26

Location: Fairbanks, Alaska

Job: Student at UAF

Hobbies: Chatting, Shooting, Camping

Music: uummm anything but Heavy Metal

Fav Movie: Enemy at the Gates

Fav TV Show: Simpsons, Police Video, Tales of the Gun

Fav Quote or Saying: Locked, Cocked, and Ready to Rock

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: We won't go there

Most Influential Person: My Grandpa

What You Want To Be: Army Officer or SWAT Team member

Future Goals: Marry my love someday, have kids, have a good life

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Guns, guns , guns, people who say that all guns need to be outlaw, hasn't lived in a place that some people uses them to survive and get food

Worst Feeling in the World: Being lied to

Best Feeling in the World: Love, true love

What Makes You Cry the Most: uummm for some reason, I have never cried, for anything but physical pain

Physical Description: See my web page


Ways to Contact Sharky

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 27156898

 Yahoo IM - sharky38