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Shayla Waverly

Name: Jennifer

Sex: Female

Birthday: June 5, 1983

Age: 24

Location: Huntley, IL

Job: Cashier at Meijers

Hobbies: RP and Music

Music: Anything I go by song not type

Fav Book: Anything Nancy Drew

Fav Movie: Empire Records

Fav TV Show: Medical Detectives

Fav Quote or Saying: The fat man walks alone

What You Want to be: Forensic Investigator

Future Goals: To become succesful

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: Being alone

Best Feeling in the World: Being alive

What Makes You Cry the Most: Sad things

Physical Description: 5'6, blond hair, blue/green eyes


Ways to Contact Shayla

 AOL Handle - PantherGrl18