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M'Lady Slither

Name: Slither

Sex: Female

Age: 36

Location: Durban, South Africa

Job: Personal Banker in a bank

Birthday: July 5, 1971

Hobbies: Running after my daughter, Reading

Music: Bryan Adams, Savage Garden, Any Pop Music

Fav Book: I love to read anything.......I don't have any favorites.

Fav Movie: The Rock

Fav TV Show: The Pretender, The Burning Zone, Friends

Fav Quote or Saying: Live and let live

Strange fact or story that happen to you: hehe I don't know....nothing comes to mind right now....Let me get back to you on that one.

Any other comments? I think this ia an excellent idea camaro....thanks for taking the time to do this for us...its most appreciated.


Ways to Contact Slither