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Name: Tanya

Sex: Female

Birthday: September 3, 1976

Age: 31

Location: New Hampshire

Job: Nanny

Hobbies: Anything Outdoors, Karaoke, Role Play

Music: Anything but Rap

Fav Book: Skye O'Malley by Bertrice Small

Fav Movie: Mrs Winterbourne

Fav TV Show: Angel

Fav Quote or Saying: Save the Pieces

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Like to hit parks sherrif cars

Most Influential Person: My Mom

What You Want to be: Police Officer

Future Goals: Live life to it's fullest

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Sex

What Makes You Cry the Most: Losing Friends

Physical Description: Plain, 5'9, brown hair with blond hilights, brown eyes and glasses


Ways to Contact Tanya

 Home Page

 ICQ Number - 62117474

 AOL Handle - LadyJaidNorth