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Thallas & Maximus

Name: Dougald or Doogie for short

Sex: Male

Birthday: May 5, 1976

Age: 31

Location: Trout Lake, MI

Job: Asst. Fire Chief

Hobbies: Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Computers

Music: A little bit of everything

Fav Book: The Wheel of Time Series

Fav Movie: Robin Hood, Prince of Theives or Backdraft

Fav TV Show: CSI Series

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Seen a ghost in the house behind my house

Most Influential Person: My Mom

What You Want to be: The best parent I can be

Future Goals: To find that special someone

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: Getting Divorced

Best Feeling in the World: The days my 3 children were born

What Makes You Cry the Most: When my kids hurt, and I cant help them

Physical Description: 5'10, 250 lbs, Brown hair, dimples


Ways to Contact Thallas / Maximus

 ICQ Number - 6047461

 AOL Handle - doogieb125

 Yahoo IM - dougald_1998