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Name: Steve

Sex: Male

Birthday: July 21, 1986

Age: 21

Location: UK

Job: Student

Hobbies: Drawing, RP, Writing Fiction, Website Design, RPG Design, and
anything else that takes my fancy

Music: Rock/ Punk Rock/ Heavy Rap/ Jazz/ Feel good music etc

Fav Book: Lirael

Fav Movie: Ghost in the Shell

Fav TV Show: ~says somthing stupid that is strangely correct~ Astro Boy or
another daytime anime

Fav Quote or Saying: pffffffft

Strange fact or story that happen to you: A painful one is I was hit in the groin with a hocky puck from 3ft away, and I wasnt wearing any protection

Most Influential Person: My Friends

What You Want To Be: Anime artist, or a games artist

Future Goals: Love, money, success and happiness (not asking for much am i?) =p

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: Broken Heart

Best Feeling in the World: Happy Heart

What Makes You Cry the Most: Myself, and wrong decisions and losses

Physical Description: tall-ish, blonde, average build, strong but not muscled, rough, and artstic meaning- ragged and untidy with a pencil behind the ear

Any other comments? Dont stop looking, your one step closer, dont stop searching its not over.


Ways to Contact Vivi

 The World of the Magi

 Yahoo IM - guyver_00