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Name: Brennick

Sex: Male

Birthday: May 16, 1985

Age: 22

Location: Tacoma, WA

Hobbies: Magic the Gathering, TCG, Computers, Other TCG's, Role Playing!

Music: Rock, Depressing Music

Fav Book: Secret of the Seven Willows, Wolfen

Fav Movie: All Japan anime, all horror

Fav TV Show: Big Wolf on Campus

Fav Quote or Saying: Since all is well keep it so, wake not the sleeping wolf....I have more if ya wanna now e-mail me

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I live more than 1 life!

Most Influential Person: My Sis, Katyla

What You Want to be: A fun person ~L~

Future Goals: To buy the stare light drive-in movie theater and transform it back to a drive in!!!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: I guess life it self?!

Worst Feeling in the World: Not knowing who my real father is

Best Feeling in the World: Staying alive!!!

What Makes You Cry the Most: Thinking that one day I'll die

Physical Description: I'm 6 feet, blond frosted tips on brown hair, brown eyes and somewhat handsome


Ways to contact Wolfy

 Home Page

 Yahoo IM - lycoan2001