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Pictures, Year 2004

Note: Refer to "Relation Guide" to identify my relationships to people listed.


Kailee the Tiger, Olgebay Park, Taken Jan 3, 2004

Kailee Making a Funny Face, Hymie in Back Laughing, Feb 7, 2004

Kailee Being Silly, Taken March 4, 2004

Kailee Looking Pretty for Easter, Taken April 11, 2004

First Time Kailee Met a Cow, Pic Right After Cow Licked Her, April 28, 2004

Blair, Renee, Kailee & Dana, Dana's B-Day Party, May 2, 2004

Kailee and Her Car for the Derby at School, May 20, 2004

Kailee Making a Mess with her Ice Cream, May 29, 2004

Kailee, John & Me, Taken at Skylon Tower Niagara Falls Canada, May 30, 2004

Dana & Kailee posing with Garfield at Kennywood, June 27, 2004

Amanda, Me, Chrissie, (in front) Tyler & Kailee, Aug 29, 2004

Kailee showing off her new PJs and Bear, Sept 5, 2004

Kailee getting on the bus for first day of preschool, Sept 8, 2004

Delores, Rita, Chrissie, Linda & Me at the Renaissance Festival, Sept 11, 2004

Dana and Kailee, October 23, 2004

Kailee dressed for Trick-or-Treating as Geoffrey the Giraffe, Oct 30, 2004

Kailee and Prince, Thanksgiving, Nov 25, 2004

Kailee's Christmas Picture, Dec 12, 2004

Christmas Picture, Another Pose, Dec 12, 2004

Family Christmas Picture, Dec 12, 2004