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Extended Family Pictures

This is a page for my extended family in RL (Real Life). I will be posting pictures here of them just for fun and so I can embarass them a like bit. Since I can do that and they have no say in the matter. ~laughs~ So enjoy!
Note: Refer to "Relation Guide" to identify my relationships to people listed.

Debbie, you can see the similarities between her and Kailee, 195?

Family Picture: Cathy Sue, Sandy, Daniel, Debbie, 195?

Debbie(on the left) and Her Friends, Given to Me by a Friend, 197?

Grandpap Slim at Walt's Wedding, 1982

Mom, Dad, Blair and Me, December 1985

Debbie and Nikki at Girl Scouts Mother's Day Dinner, May 1986

Family Picture: Nikki, Blair, Hymie, Janice, Dana, Taken in 1995

Dad, Me, Blair, Janice, Dana and Joey, Christmas 1995

Walt and Renee, Christmas 1996

Dana's 2001 School Picture, 2nd Grade, Taken Sept 2000

Another of Dana's 2001 School Picture, 2nd Grade Taken Sept 2000

Blair's 2001 School Picture, Taken Sept 2000

Blair posing with the Kitty, 2000

Me and Chrissie at Dana's Birthday Party, May 6, 2000

Dana and Tyler at My Baby Shower, July 9, 2000

Hymie and Dana ay My Parents' Wedding, July 15, 2000

Janice and Dana at My Parents' Wedding, July 15, 2000

Delores and Linda, Taken in 2001

Tami, Kailee, and Mary at Kailee's Birthday Party, Aug 25, 2001

Dana's 2002 School Picture, 3rd Grade, Taken Sept 2001

Blair's Senior Picture, 2002 School Year, Taken Oct 2001

Renee's 2002 School Picture, Taken Sept 2001

Family Group Photo, Taken Feb 9, 2002

Janice, Hymie and Dana at her Birthday Party, April 28, 2002

Family Picture at Blair's Graduation, Taken June 6, 2002

Linda, Blair, and Chrissie at Blair's Graduation, June 6, 2002

Blair's Message to Highlands High ~lmao~, June 6, 2002

Dana, Blair and Kailee at his Grad Party, Aug 24, 2002

Dana's 2003 School Year Picture, 4th Grade, Taken Sept 2002

Dana and Kailee on Christmas Day, Taken on Dec 25, 2002

Blair and Kailee on Christmas Day, Taken Dec 25, 2002

Linda, Kailee & Chrissie on Xmas Day, Taken Dec 25, 2002

Family Group Photo at Gram's 80th B-Day Party, Taken Feb 8, 2003

Dana's 2nd 2003 School Year Pic, 4th Grade, Taken End of School Year

Dana's 2004 School Year Picture, 5th Grade, Taken September 2003

Group Christmas Picture, Taken Dec 25, 2003

Whole Family Photo, Gram's B-Day Party, Taken Feb 7, 2004

Dana's 2005 School Year Picture, 6th Grade, Taken September 2004