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Camaro's Tales

As I have said on my front page, is that this site is an OOC (Out of Character) page. These tales involve my character, Camaro McCloud. I have posted them here for the simple fact that I wrote two of them. The other one was written by a friend for me. I posted her tale just in case you do wish to read the basic tale that relates to Camaro McCloud.

This page has the tales and advantures of Lady Camaro. There are not many now but in the future I hope to write more and post them. Or at least finish the ones I already started. Please check back in the future for the lastest updates.

(The stories are listed in the order in which they happened in her life)


 Camaro's Tale - Written by Lady Isolde

(This tale retraces the steps of how Camaro found her way to the Enchanted Castle)


 The Journey - Written by Nikki (aka Camaro)

(This tale follows Camaro on a journey to find her long lost family. Though she doesn't know the reason for the quest.)


 The Beginning - Written by Nikki (aka Camaro)

(This tale is told from a storyteller's point of view. Giving a broad overview of Camaro's life up to the present.)