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Camaro's Tale

Part 3

Written by Lady Isolde


It was the light of day that made the girl waken. Light cheery sounds of birds greeted her ears as her eyes fluttered open. At first she was unaware of where she was or how she had gotten there. She rolled over and saw the satchel before her and all the memories flooded in. With a start she sat up and looked about. Liam was by their mount, saddling it and making it ready for the day's travel. She watches him as he talked quietly to the horse while checking it over. So careful was his touch, each motion was not wasted, instead it seemed as if he moved with grace and ease. She now had a better chance at looking at Liam, and used it. His hair was indeed silver, and his grey eyes shone from out of a very masculine face. His jaw was strong with a determined look to it. His lean body now showed a wirey strength underneath with tight muscles. This was a man who worked and toiled well. The smile was not evident on his face yet she was certain he would need little excuse at all to use it. As she watched she realized just how handsome indeed Liam was. It was then she noticed he had stopped his work with the mount and had just stood returning her gaze. She lowered her face as she blushed. Ashamed for staring, and ashamed because it was the first time she had ever found herself attracted to a male before. Liam strode over to where she was sitting and tossed some warm bread and the water skin to her. He told her she would need to eat now for he was not certain how long they would be in the saddle before they could rest again. He spoke of how, while she had slept, he had doubled back to make certain no spore had been left for the invaders of her village to follow. Returning just before dawn, he had rebuilt the small fire and made their breakfast, letting her sleep as much as she could because he knew it would be hard going for her as she was not one born to the trail. She sat quietly as he spoke and ate her meager breakfast with little complaint. Her thoughts sprang forward with curiosity as to where in fact WAS Liam taking her. He had mentioned the WestMarch, but where was that? and why there? Why her and not Altheas? Why did Altheas take such trouble to get her out of the village in the first place?...these thoughts paraded through her mind and before she knew it the camp had been cleaned of all traces and Liam stood with the mount waiting for her. Wiping the last of the crumbs from her mouth, she sipped the water before stopping it and gathered her cloak. Standing and looking one last time to the East, to where her home has lain, she then approached Liam. Liam smiled gently to her then mounted up. She stood a moment, a puzzled expression showed on her face as she looked up to him. He laughed and explained they would make better time and distance if they rode together than if he just lead the mount with her on the saddle. In so saying he extended his arm to her, and her eyes caught the tattoo of two snakes biting each other's tails on his forearm as she was pulled up to sit behind him. If he knew she saw the marks he said nothing of it. She remembered the bracelet that Altheas had given to her and wondered more so now, what the snakes meant. Liam urged the horse into a trot and the girl found herself wrapping her arms about his waist to hold on. She grudgingly accepted the fact that she really didn't mind holding tight to Liam even though the sensation made her feel giddy and unbalanced. But she did not say her thoughts aloud. Nor did she see the surprised smile and on Liam's face as her arms came about him. They left the clearing at a steady pace, none saw them leave. The day was ahead them, and they still had many miles to go.


Picking their way cautiously West, she soaked in all the sights about her. The scraggly trees by her village had given way to the stately trees they were now passing. Wild things could be seen from time to time flitting out of the corner of her eyes and when she turned to see what it was already gone. Wolf and badger, snake and fox, all came and went about their wild existence as they made their way West. Most of the morning had passed and she had not said much to Liam as they rode on the dun coloured mount. It was not till midday that she finally grew tired of the sights about her and began to inquire about the thoughts that were demanding answers in her mind. Her first query was general enough, for she asked of Altheas, and how was it Liam knew her. They rode on a small distance before Liam spoke. With soft words he told of how Altheas was in fact his sister kin, older than he and had long ago forsaken her right as one of the folk of the wood to marry the innkeeper. It seems she had found the innkeeper when both were young, wounded from a boar and in need of aid. She had nursed the man to health and the long months together as he healed sparked a strong love betwixt them. Altheas knew the man could never be accepted into the Tribe of her kin, and loving the man so deeply, she left with him to start her life as a simple wife of an Innkeeper. Liam had, from time to time, came and visited his sister for they were very close. Late in the eve, when the lights of the tiny village winked out, he and Altheas would sit till dawn speaking of all the folk she missed, who of her clan married who. Liam was the only one of her family who came to visit. Deep was the bond between them. Liam also spoke of how his sister had learned the ways of battle. Though not adept as others of their clan she was able to hold her own in hunts and other such things. She was best at the bow and dagger. Liam spoke of how the dagger she now carried in her satchel was indeed the dagger his sister had used on her many hunts. He spoke of his clan, his people and how they lived. He spoke of how upset their parents were at her leaving but accepted the fact she had chosen her own path, so that is why, when it was suggested, they discouraged the idea of others pursuing the fool hearty lass and bringing her back. They knew she would die from a broken heart. For the odd thing about his folk was that once they loved another, their heart would pine for that person forever. Most did not live long after their wife or husband died so strong was the tie betwixt them. It was, late one eve as he visited, that his sister bade him to return soon and spirit the young lass she knew and taught letters to away from the tides of war that would soon envelope the village. Liam confessed to her as they rode under the shade of the trees that his sister never really explained why it was so important for him to take her to safety. Then his voice softened as he told her he suspected it was due to the fact she had never scorned his sister like others of the village had. She was the only one who visited the inn often just to spend time with Altheas, and the only one who did not seem to care that Altheas was not of the same clan. As he spoke she remembered many times when a dance or such was to be held and realization hit as she also remembered that Altheas had never attended any of them. The women's circle, that would get together for making quilts and share recipes as well and talk of new births and weddings never once...invited Altheas to join them. She shook her head in shame as she realized for the first time just how true Liam's words were in regards to Altheas. Her mind drifted to many incidents where it was now evident to her how the others really treated Altheas. Her mind came back to where she was and she realized Liam had stopped speaking. His soft smooth voice had lulled her as he spoke, and she had not noticed how close she had come to drifting off in the saddle. She yearned for him to speak again and with a timid voice asked him where they were headed.


To the Mountains, WestMarch, far from the tides of war. There she would be safe, and his boon to his sister complete. There high in the foothills to the West was a castle. Enchanted was its name. Liam spoke happily now that he no longer referred to his sister and the war. He began to paint a picture of the folk of the castle.


Long ago, a castle had been built high in the hills. It had a magic about it. Those who wished for peace in their hearts and goodwill towards their fellow would be drawn to its gates. Many races dwelt within the stone walls and courtyard of the keep. Dragonkind flew the sandy shore of the lake that marked from air where the castle lies. Fairies and pixie shared thimble cups of wyne with Vamps and Knights. Mages and mortal folk laughed and jested with each other as equals. It was indeed a magical place. And well suited to its name. Though Liam himself had ne'er entered the gates of the Magical realm he knew there, as did his sister, was the one place where she would find sanctuary and peace. He spoke of some of the folk he knew who resided within the walls of the keep. Sage, quiet at times and one of the two who ran the castle. Keeping more to himself than his counterpart Sauron, who seemed more in tune to tripping in and out the gates at his own leisure. Alys was a pixie who had forsaken her own kind to help save the castle and in doing so, could never dance in the pale light of the moon with her family again. There was Mischief, dark and stately who had been orphaned as a childe and had grown to womanhood as no stranger to a sword and at times hired herself out to who ever could meet her price. Lord Fargo was the castle keeper of the scrolls, one time a knight, he was more used to the quill than blade after finding the gates. Liam spent the afternoon telling the girl of the folk who dwelt within the castle, how the laughter was often and the love of one another deep and profound. The young girl tried hard to imagine the many races he described and tried to picture them in her mind's eye. So it was that the afternoon waned to eve and once again they found themselves camped deep in the wood on another starfilled night. Sitting about the fire, as they ate again of their meager rations, Liam spoke of what life itself was to be like for the girl at the Enchanted castle. Easy days of ale and friendship would be her new life. He impressed upon her how she would soon slip into an easy rhythm with the gentle folk and be welcomed as she was. Her head grew heavy as she thought of how such a place would be and did not notice as she began to nod off that Liam had once again lain his cloak over her and stood watch as she succumbed to sleep. He stood over her a moment and then on bended knee, as she slept, caressed her cheek. Sighing softly to himself as he smiled gently down at her slumbering form. Then standing, he walked over to the cover of and old Oak and began to keep watch. Watch over her he did. Long into the night Liam kept wary watch to make certain none would come to harm her as she slept. He watched as the cloak rose and fell in time to the deep breaths she took. He noticed from the light of the moon how beautiful she was. Her jaw a slight curve as it met her neck. Her nose had an elegant turn to it and complemented her face well. Dark lashes curtained her hazel eyes as she dreamed. And he sat, guarding over her, and began to realize why it was his sister had forsaken her birthright for a man. His thoughts carried him through the night, as the young girl dreamed of magic races, laughing folk and gilded walls of stone.