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The Journey

Part 1

Written by Nikki (aka Camaro)

There is sadness in Camaro's eyes as she kisses her two dear children on the forehead and then speaking to them.


"Now ye two better behave for yer daddy. I have to go on a short trip. I will return soon."


The twins say with their 3-year-old tongues, "okies Mommy"


She smiles at them and then rises and looking at her husband giving him a hug and a soft kiss on the lips. With concern in his voice, "are ye sure ye will be alright?"


"I am sure Dear there is a feeling in my heart that I do nay understand or can put into words but it is telling me to go and find someone or something. So I must go."


Lord Fargo nods and then lowers his sight to the floor. Camaro then pulls her thick navy blue cloak over her shoulders and placing a dragger in the hem of her skirt for protection. Putting one foot into the stir-up she swings the other over and mounts the horse. Giving one last wave she turns, her voice still lingering in the air, "Take Care! I shall miss thee all very much."


She rides hard into the brisk fall air. Her mind races wondering why she is having this sickening feeling. What was she thinking leaving by herself not knowing where she is going. The weather is getting colder by the day. Deserting her babes when they need her. She stops the horse and looks back seeing the Enchanted Castle about a mile away pondering if she should go back, she sighs and turns heads in the opposite direction. They shall be fine they are with their father. Her mind still runs wild not paying attention just letting the horse guide her.


Coming back to reality she realizes that this is the path that her and Liam took. The vision of his face flashes in her mind of the past memory. She frowns remembering how they had to flee from her beloved home which was upon war. She slows her horse to walking. Approaching the exact spot that her and Liam camped out years back. This is where they spent their last night together she pulls on the reins, dropping from the horse, she then ties him to the nearest tree and decided this is where she will stay the night.


The sun is beginning to set; she frowns seeing that she does not have much time to search for firewood. Heading into the forest she gathers pieces of wood that she can carry and heads back to camp. Untying her napsack from the back of the horse she rolls it out finding matches and a pouch with some things including food. Grabbing the matches she lights a few small sticks and sets it with the bigger pieces. After quite some time flames begin to rise reaching for the sky. Watching the blazing fire she sits eating some of the dried meat she brought with her. Finishing she climbs into her bag thinking of her husband and her babes back at home till finally she drifts to sleep.


Awaking hearing the birds she stretches, opening her eyes she sees trees around her. She gasps then remembering where she is she sighs deeply. Talking to herself "Nay time to be depressed. I must be on my way." In her pouch she gets the brush putting it through her long straight brown hair and then eating a piece of bread and drinking some of the water from the canteen, she rolls up the napsack and ties it to the horse's saddle. Undoing the knot from around the tree she smiles at the horse. Walking him to the nearby lake that she remembered passing the day before, she lets the animal drink some water while she washes her face and refills the canteen. After a few minutes she mounts the horse and is riding again.


After riding for a couple days and sleeping in the forest at nights, she comes upon a small village. It was in the opposite direction of the town where she lived before. The place that was attacked and she had to flee with Liam. Shaking her head trying to remove the thoughts of the past. Slowing the horse to a medium pace she sees folk walking and children playing in the streets. As she gets closer she slides off the saddle and taking the horse by the reins leading it. As she grows closer she sees that the town is poor. The people are dressed in torn clothes. A few boys are playing with boards of woods acting as if they were swords. She looks at her beautiful dress and feels a bit ackward but strangely comfortable at the same time.


Passing the local tavern she decides to go in for a glass of ale. Tying the horse up out front then making sure her dragger is still at her side she walks through the doors. Slowly looking about the room she finds it odd that no women are there except for the few servants. She spots an empty table just inside the door but towards the back. Noticing all eyes on her she does not make eye contact with any. Sitting in the old wooden chair a girl approaches. "May I help thee?" Meeting her gaze Camaro smiles thankful for the company. "One ale please." The girl turns and wanders off fetching the drink. Glancing around the room she sets her sight upon a man with wild fire in his dark eyes. He looks up and meets her gaze then smiles deviously. The girl appears at the table and breaks the silence "Ma'am." Camaro jumps scaring the poor girl. She gives the girl a few coins. The young servant sets the mug on the table and runs off. Sipping the ale still feeling the man's gaze burning into her, she drinks a bit more ale and quickly walks out.


Her mind spins, what am I doing in this strange place? I would like to learn about this place but I am not going back into that tavern. Not thinking straight she walks past the horse and turns the corner heading down the road. She looks about noticing she's behind the building. It is dark and all she can see is shadows. She turns around right as a man steps out in front of her. A scream escapes her lips. All of a sudden he lunges at her. She goes to run but is too late. She is knocked to the ground. The man's weight pins her down. She is unable to move. Covering her mouth he lets out an evil laugh. "So ye have come back for more?" As she hears his words a face of a younger man flashes in her mind. She realizes that she was in this position before. His hand moves downward groping her breast and a muffled cry is heard. Through tears her hazel eyes meet his black eyes. Closing hers tightly she sees herself as a mid-teen. He rapes her of her innocence. Opening her eyes again she kicks and thrashes around. Getting her right hand free she grabs for her dragger and rams it into his side. He howls in pain. Scrambling to her feet she runs around the corner and right into a young man knocking him to the ground. Turning back seeing her attacker still lying on the ground she looks to the man she bumped into. Helping him to his feet she spots him holding his side and blood is seeping through his shirt.


Her voice is still a little shaky, "are thou alright?"


He shakes his head no, putting his arm around her shoulders she aides him in walking. He points to a shack on the right hand side. "Over there!" Her heart is racing and her mind is telling her to run. Her heart says a man is in need. As usual her heart out-weighs the mind. Swinging open the door a mid-aged man runs toward them. Helping him lay on the bed Camaro then turns to leave seeing that he has help. The older man looks to her and grabs her arm. She jumps still a little shaky from the attack she just experienced.


With concern in his voice, "what happen to my son?" He looks at the wounded man and then back to her. "Are ye a healer?"


She shakes her head. "Nay Sir but if ye wish I will help."


The older man goes into the other room while she pulls his shirt up from the wound. The injured man as passed out from loss of blood. She has not seen many wounds before and winces at the horrid sight. He returns with some cloths, tape, and a bottle of liquid. "This will have to do." She removes the cap and pouring some on the wound and some on the cloth. Ripping long pieces of tape and placing the cloth carefully on the terrible cut then the tape to keep it in place. She then begins to press on his side where the cut is. The man looking at her questioning her actions. "This will stop the bleeding. Ye will have to change the cloth every so often till the bleeding slows. Also put more medicine on it when ye do." The man nods understanding. He places his hand on hers and thanks her for the help. Another flash invades her mind. Looking at him with a bit of fear but curiosity too. "Do I know ye from somewhere?"


He smiles responding, "I do nay think so."


Standing she turns for the door then faces him again. "I am sorry Sir. Ye look familiar." Not being able to comprehend the flashes of images she did not mention it to him for the fear that he might think she is going mad. Grabbing the doorknob his voice stops her.


"What is yer name Miss?" She smiles at him. "My name is Camaro McCloud. Tis a pleasure to meet thee."


The man's face goes pale as if he as seen a ghost. "Did ye say Camaro?"


"Aye Sir I did." She looks at him puzzled by his reaction.


"Please sit dear child." She slowly walks over expecting anything from her current events of the day. Lowering herself to meet the chair. "Do ye have any family?"


"Aye Sir but may I ask thee why ye are asking me such questions?" Watching his face closely trying to read his facial expressions.


Ignoring her question he asks, "Where do ye hail from?"


A hint of nervousness is heard in her voice. "I do nay know of my birth place. I have no memory of my past but....."


Interrupting her he speaks with excitement. "I had a daughter named Camaro but she was taken from me a long time ago. Do ye have a ring......a ring with two roses with green gems in the middle of each?"


Unable to speak she lifts her hand showing him the ring for which he speaks of. Finally finding the words, " did ye know.....unless....." her mouth drops and she gasps in disbelief.


He stands sweeping her off the chair, hugging her. Both cry tears of joy. Then she pulls away and points to the young man on the bed. "And him? He is my...."


Finishing her sentence, "Yer twin brother! His name is Lorenzo!"