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The Journey

Part 3

Written by Nikki (aka Camaro)

He was still sleeping peacefully. She stroked his hair lightly. While watching his chest rise and fall. She couldn't believe that this was real. She had a brother and a father. It seemed like a dream. She was afraid that she would wake up at any moment. Of course if it was a dream, why were armed soldiers chasing them? And her brother was close to death? She shook her hand; no this had to be real. She knew they could not stay at the grove much longer. They had to keep moving. Looking at her resting brother she frowned, she would have to wake him soon.


It had been some hours since they had stopped to rest. The sun would be rising soon. After packing up the horses, Camaro made her way over to Lorenzo once again. She took a deep breath, placing her hand lightly on his shoulder, softly shaking him. He stirred and then groaned before opening his eyes. Seeing her looking down at him made him smile. Even with all the pain he was in he still couldn't believe that they finally found his sister. Well actually she found them. Either way he was grateful.


Her words broke his train of thought. "I am sorry to wake ye. But it is time for us to ride on. For we can nae stay in one place long." She was about to explain further till he nodded lightly, "Alright." Taking his hand in hers, she steadied him enough to get to his feet. He tried his best to walk normal. His arm laid across Camaro's shoulder, his grip tightened as he stumbled toward the horse. James came to help Lorenzo mount the animal once Camaro was already on. She told him to lean against her if he needed to. She knew he was weak even though he tried to fight it.


They finally started slowly at first to give Lorenzo time to get used to the strain of riding again. Camaro knew that they would have to leave to coverage of the trees to find the path again. She didn't know any other way to Enchantica other than the trail. They would have to take the risk since James and Lorenzo obviously didn't know this part of the land, not to mention they didn't have much food with them. So they couldn't chance going through the dense forest and possibly getting lost.


Finally reaching the path they started to a gallop again. If they rode hard for another half a day then they could reach the Enchanted Castle's gates before nightfall. Hours went by uneventful. They stopped a couple times to water their horses and for food. They were perhaps two hours from the Castle. A couple more small towns to pass through then Enchantica would appear up on the hill, their safety. Camaro daydreamed about reaching there and introducing her new found family to her friends and family at her home. James and Lorenzo would finally be able to live in peace and be allowed to be happy. It seemed like a long time since they have been able of such things, as least from what James had told her earlier.


One more hour and off in the horizon she could faintly see the outline of the Castle. Suddenly James cried out. His scream was pain stricken. She stopped her horse and turned to see her father who was behind them. An arrow stuck in his left shoulder. Camaro's eyes grew wide with fear.


The soldiers had found them even with the many miles they had put between them. James was trying to pull the arrow out of his shoulder. Camaro shouted for him to leave it in and continue toward the Castle. She had seen arrow wounds before and healers always demanded to leave it in till it reached their skilled hands. He listened and raced ahead. Camaro's eyes scanned the path and through the trees that were gathered on each side. She didn't see anything. That is until more arrows rained upon them.


Kicking her horse she took off after her father. She knew these woods well and would now take the chance of seeking their coverage. Catching up to James she signaled for him to follow and darted deeper into the trees. She heard Lorenzo groan in pain and she kicked harder trying to push the horse to its maximum. After awhile they slowed to a walk. Camaro carefully was guiding the horse in the direction toward the rear of the Castle. Or at least that was her plan to lose the soldiers in the forest and make a wide circle to get to the back where they could remain hidden. She looked back many times to see if they were being followed but each time only stillness greeted her.


She could hear her father's soft moans every time that the horse's hooves landed on the ground. They were muffled as he tried desperately to hide the sounds. Eventually her plan paid off and they reached the rear gates. Camaro called out for one of the guards to find a healer. She could see a man who she didn't recognize scamper off quickly to follow her orders. Entering the gates she slowly slid off the horse and helped Lorenzo off too. As he leaned his weight onto her she explained to the guards about the soldiers and also being chased. That they had to get into the Castle immediately and to be on the look out for the soldiers who no doubt would find their way here.


The horses were taken to the stable. A couple young boys carried their bags and helped James into the Castle. They made their way to a spare room where both men could lay down and be attended to by healers. Camaro rapidly explained each of their conditions then hurried to the front gates to notify the other guards. Her skirts gathered in her hands as she ran through the Entrance with many questioning looks following her as she ran by.


Making it to the front gates just as she spotted the soldiers trotting toward them. She whispered to the guards that they were dangerous and to take her lead, she would explain later. She suspected that the soldiers didn't get a good look at her since they never got close enough. Plus with her cloak now removed they would not recognize her garments.


The man at the head of the group looked around at the many guards. When his sight landed on Camaro his right brow raised ever so slightly as if questioning her appearance there. He quickly hid the desire to know why and cleared his throat. Proceeded to ask, "Have ye seen two men that have come by here within the last hour? One is an older gentleman who was injured by our arrows. And the other is a young man, his son. They have escaped from M'Lord's Castle. We have reason to believe a young woman helped them. We did nay get to see who she was but we know they were headed in this direction. She was with them when they entered the forest to the side of thy gates. This woman might not be with them now. Unfortunately we lost them in the dense trees."