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The Journey

Part 4

Written by Nikki (aka Camaro)

Camaro stood silent as the man rambled on carelessly giving them all the information he knew. Also giving the guards the explanation that they needed. They also had an idea that she was the woman he spoke of since her clothing was dusty from travel and her rushed tone that she was in when she came to the gates. He was not very wise in this aspect but she didn't point this out to him. Instead she smiled softly noting his curious glance toward her and asked evenly. "Are these men ye speak of dangerous?"


The soldier was taken back by her question. He expected their cooperation not to have to explain further. Taking a deep breath that showed his impatience, "I do nay believe that they are armed if that is what ye are asking. They are slaves Ma'am. They are property of M'Lord. He does nay take kindly to runaways. Tis why he sent us after them."


She nodded as if she understood. She did give him credit he could make up a decent lie on the spot. Of course Camaro still didn't know why James and Lorenzo were of such importance to this Lord. She had asked her Father that exact thing when they were resting in the covered grove. He didn't even know that answer either. It sparked interest in her. Why did they want her father and brother so badly? Of course James had also told her that the soldiers asked them many times when they were taken into the Lord's possession about her whereabouts. Obviously they wanted her too but she escaped their grip. After so many years they probably wouldn't even recognize her. At least she hoped so. Without answering his first question even after his explanation she asked, "Who is thy Lord and what Realm does he rule?"


The man was getting very irritated with her. He cocked his head to the side and waved his hand lightly. Three of the men behind him took off toward the woods to continue their search. Obviously he was not going to waste much time talking to her. She took notice to this and bid her time. The head soldier stared down at her as if grinding his teeth. She was too far away to hear the noise to say if it was true or not. He then opened his mouth slowly working out the tightness in his jaw. "I am in command of Lord Victor of Blackpool."


Camaro nodded again softly. Her mind racing to think of some clever excuse to tell this man. Something that rewarded him for his wasted time talking to her, not to mention the valuable information she got out of the conversation. "I am sorry to keep thy waiting. I just wished to know whose fine men I was speaking with. It seems he has taught ye well in the art of tracking since, if my mind serves correctly, ye are very far from home. They must be fine slaves if ye have come this far after them." She almost winced as she called her own flesh and blood slaves. Slaves in general did not sit well with her. The reason she loved Enchantica so much. It is true that they did have help but none were property of another. Everyone was free to come and go as they pleased.


Regaining her line of thought, she could tell he was taking kindly to her flattery because the corners of his lips were curled up slightly into a small smile. After the brief pause as if to let the words sink into his mind, motioning to her dusty clothing as she continued. "Pardon my dirty attire, I was just in the woods in the rear of the Castle playing with my children. How they love to play in the dirt." This was a huge lie but he was not the only one who could make one up in the blink of an eye. She smiled politely to say sorry for getting off track. "While I was back there I do believe I saw the men ye speak of. They had their horses tied up and the younger man was helping the older gentleman with the arrow in his left shoulder." The soldiers' eyes grew with anticipation as they heard her news. She made sure to add that the arrow was in his left shoulder to prove to them that she had saw them. She could tell they were about ready to depart if she didn't hurry. "I knew it could nay be good if they did nay come to our gates for help. I gathered my children quickly and came to alert the guards of any suspicious strangers lurking around."


A couple of the soldiers were heading toward the rear of the Castle already. The head man nodded to her, "Thank thee M'Lady. We appreciate thy help." He flashed a smile at her then rode off as fast as he could to catch up to the others.


Camaro turned around and grinned at the guards. Upon seeing her expression they laughed lightly. One spoke up quietly, "So ye where the woman that helped these so called slaves? Who exactly are they?"


She smiled sweetly wanting to introduce her relatives when they were well. If she told the guards now then word would get out before she could do that. "Let's just say they are very close to my heart."


The guard smiled and replied, "Tis good to hear that they are safe."


She nodded gently, "Thank thee for all of thy help. It has meant more than words could express." With that being said she turned on her heel and walked into the Castle once again. She didn't stop to talk to the many that she crossed paths with on her way to the spare room, where her family was being helped.


Stepping into the room she felt a mixture of emotion run through her. Happiness that she had found her father and brother. Sadness since they were both not well. Pulling the one healer to the side she asked for a report on their health. James would recover in time. They got out the arrow without any problems. Lorenzo on the other hand wasn't so well. He was slipping in and out of conciseness. He was weary and in need of a lot of rest. All they could do now was to wait and see how things would progress. Camaro thanked her for her time. The woman then turned and left her alone with her sleeping relatives.


Making her way to her brother's bedside she smoothed his hair whispering to him. "Ye are safe here. The soldiers are gone. Ye can nay leave us now. Not after everything we have gone through to find each other again. We need ye to get better." Placing a soft kiss on his forehead she then got up and walked to the chair on the opposite side of the room. Leaning back into it watching both of the sleeping men. She would wait till they woke to tell them of their good news, of their safety, of their bright futures. For now she had to rest. Closing her eyes she drifted off into dreamland while she waited.




Some days later, James was on his way to recovery. The wound from the arrow was healing nicely and he was up and about. He stayed within the Castle's walls just in case the soldiers were nearby with their watchful eyes. Lorenzo on the other hand was still in bad shape. He was however progressing slowly as is with the case of excessive blood loss. His body was wrecked with utter exhaustion and extreme weakened state. But the outcome looked positive in given time.




Once both men were well again, or in Lorenzo's case, not in threat of grave illness any longer. They confronted Camaro about leaving Enchantica. They feared that since they were last seen in the realm that the soldiers might come back in search of them. When the guards returned to their normal state of affairs that the soldiers could slip by and find their "runaway slaves." Camaro knew that this was possible but the thought of being separated from her family once again saddened her. With a heavy heart she agreed. She made arrangements for her father and brother to live at York. She was the Duchess of York so she knew they would be in safe hands. Not to mention her frequent visits to the realm would allow them to stay in contact easily. After packing the needed items for travel they set off. James and Lorenzo would live at York for the time being. Only a handful of close family and friends knew that they would be there. Camaro trusted her secret with the select few that she thought would be able to hold their own if and when the soldiers came back asking questions about the men. They decided on a safe amount of time that if Lord Victor's soldiers never appeared again that James and Lorenzo could return to Enchantica. Until that time they would be safe in another realm or so Camaro hoped.