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Welcome to Ray's Web Page

Could you read all the meds in this month's Doctor's Order ?

The med order said:
1) please consult Dr. Smith for acute arthritis left wrist - gout was septic?
2) X-rays left wrist
3) Uric acid level
4) CBC & Diff
5) colchicine 0.6 mg 1 po q 1 hour start now and DC when a), b) or c)
a) 12 tablets taken
b) diarrhea occurs
c) pain in left wrist subsides
6) colchicine 0.6 mg 1 PO q 12 hours beginning tomorrow morning
7) Re-order IV's
8) oh yeah ! Niferex-150 1 po BID

Answers to previous orders

Please send comments and suggestions to:
Ray Cefola, PharmD at