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Welcome to Ray's Web Page

Could you read all the meds in this month's Doctor's Order ?

The med order said:
lipitor 10 mg q day
insulin 70/30 20 units SC in am
insulin 70/30 8 units SC in am
gancyclovir (error) crossed out
LABS CBC & diff/plts/lytes/B/C/AST/ALT
GGTP/FK (tacrolimous) level/Mg/PO4/CA
etc., etc.
Irrigate foley with 50 cc 0.9 NSS q 4 hr and PRN
I/O strict
Diabetic diet 1800 Kcal
Diabetic snacks
0.9% NSS a @ 60 cc/hr
pyridium 200 mg po bid
Percocet 1 tab po q4-6 hours for pain

Answers to previous orders

Please send comments and suggestions to:
Ray Cefola, PharmD at CEFOLA2269@CS.COM