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Welcome to Ray's Web Page

Could you read all the meds in this month's Doctor's Order ?

The med order said:
D5 1/2NS IVF rate 125 cc(/hr)
tacrolimus 1 mg NGT bid
prednisone 5 mg NGT qd
Pepcid 20 mg IV bid
Zoloft 50 mg NGT qd
Premarin 0.625 mg po qd
multivitamins 1 tab po qd
Miacalcin nasal spray 1 spray each nostril
Flonase 50 mcg 1 spray q day
Coumadin 5 mg po q day
Sodium Bicarbonate 950 mg po bid
Ocean Spray 2 puffs bid (not the Cranberry juice !)
Paregoric 3 ml TID
Trazodone 50 mg po q bedtime
Ventolin inhaler 2 puffs bid
Bactrim SS (single strength) MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

Answers to previous orders

Please send comments and suggestions to:
Ray Cefola, PharmD at