Chapelsnap is the sexiest town in America, according to Mayor Garrison Wabash. Find love, rent love. Right here. Right now.
Really ugly guy wants beautiful girl for moral gratification. Also, bridge for sale. Contact:
Devout Protestant Transvestite seeks same. Nail me against a church door. Reply to I have a wet dream...13.47- 'SUP?
Entity seeks other entity for existence verification. Must exist.
14- Man seeks Woman: Prodigious Prognosticator for you
Seeking: Short-term relationship; Long-term relationship; Activity Partner; Pen-pal; Alternative Lifestyle;15 - Man seeks Woman: Drunk Dentist Seeks Chesty Chimneysweep
Age: 20 Missing Limbs: None Ethnicity: Caucasian (white) Religion: None / Agnostic / Don't Care
Education: College Employment: Prefer not to say / No Answer
Profile: Slender/Average, Non-Smoker, Non-Drinker, No children,Description: Uri Geller Impersonator with Excessive Mental Baggage seeks dolly clone, and i do mean
the sheep, for getting ripped, renting a corvette under a false name, then flipping it on the vine street
expressway at 140 mph to our dual demise. Sound like fun? Me neither. Well, what else is there to do?
Must like mashed potatoes.Contact: The Amazing Glandi
Date posted: Fri May 23 20:28:12 1997
Seeking: Short-term relationship; Activity Partner; Pen-pal; Alternative Lifestyle;16 - Man seeks Either: Man seeks anyone to help commit suicide
Age: 27 Ethnicity: Native American Religion: None / Agnostic / Don't Care
Education: High School Employment: Part time
Profile: Slim/Waif-ish, Smoker, Drinker, Have children,Description: Let's Learn Swahili! Do you want more out of life? Can you run a
one-minute mile? Have you spent your life searching in vain for the
perfect typani? Do you go to sleep every night in gravity boots watching Mr.
Belvedere? Well, if you don't match any of these descriptions, then we
can learn Swahaili together. You: Like to clean smokestacks. Me: Richard M. Nixon.
Home Page: www.nixon.comContact: sanchita
Date posted: 3/6/97
Seeking: Short-term relationship; Activity Partner; Pen-pal; Alternative Lifestyle;
Age: 27 Ethnicity: Native American Religion: None / Agnostic / Don't Care
Education: High School Employment: Part time
Profile: Slim/Waif-ish, Smoker, Drinker, Have children,Description: Brooding limbless ex-president seeks anyone to help me commit suicide.
Either that or a handball partner. Preferably with rope or
wet/dry vac. Will reciprocate or buy dinner. Must have own hovercraft and a
marsupial-like pouch. Should be able to prove the law of cosines using
bacon bits and an Isuzu Samuri.Contact: Pookie
Date posted: 3/6/97