Chapelsnap has been a frequent campaign stop for presidential hopefuls. In the last 20 elections, Chapelsnap has always overwhelmingly voted for the loser in the contest. Therefore, Presidential candidates always come to town and to try to make a bad impression. It's just superstition, but we know they're just kidding!

Some quotes!

Jimmy Carter, 1975
"I consider myself a loving hopeful person, but when I see this stench heap you inbred morons call a town, I'm thinking about dropping out of this race. Your pancakes are overrated"
Richard Nixon, 1971
"You get that camera outta my face, hillbilly." (photo by Cletus Hackford)
Warren G. Harding, 1932
"I think I advocate Eugenics now"
Calvin Coolidge
"Stay cool with yourself."
John Tyler, 1836
(comment deleted because of Internet Decency Act)
George H. W. Bush, 1988
Flipping the bird (incorrectly) to Martin Iambic.
Teddy Roosevelt, 1916
"I love this town... Bad Luck be damned! I will love this town and be president!"
In 1912, Roosevelt lost to Woodrow Wilson.
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