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This is the beautiful Chimborazo volcano (6,310 metres). This photo was taken from Ecuador's central valley (The Valley of the Volcanoes). This is a long valley flanked by two parallel ranges of high mountains. Iliniza (5,263 m), Atacazo (4,457 m), Antisana (5,704 m),Altar (5,310), Sanguay (5,230 m), Carihuairazo (5,020m) Cotopaxi (5,897m), and the El Corazón (4,788 m) are just a few of these.

A very exciting way to discover the Chimborazo is by taking the paved road from Ambato to Guaranda. Most of the pictures taken of this mountain were taken on this 85 kilometre drive. Once more I had the opportunity of rediscovering the bleak páramo. This road passes within 10 kilometres of the Chimborazo at over 4,000 metres. I definitely recommend going.

