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Pet Page

Welcome! You have enter the pet's lair. Between my son and I we have exotic (strange to some) tastes in pets. Here, we wish to show you our pets and present some useful information about pet care that will enable you to become a loving and responsible pet owner. Your pets will thank you for surfin' to this site! I thank you and hope you can gain some knowledge while you are here.

We shall begin by introducing you to our pets. They are a loving group, and yet can be a pain in the ... behind. Oh well kids will be kids. hehehehehe

In Memory Of

Sara was a Siberian Husky who was born with congenital defects. We lost her soon after we got her because of them. For the short time here with us she brought much joy to our lives. She is sadly missed.


Squint is, without a doubt, the laziest cat I know. Yes, even lazier than Garfield. But all in all he is a pretty cool feline. He loves to play in boxes and bags, even ones he can't fit in. He sleeps at least 20 hours a day and the
other 4 are spent eating, defecating, urinating,
and running from the dogs, Tucker and Sierra.


Tucker is a mix breed; part toy terrier, part spitz. Tucker is definitely the boss of the animals of the house (except for the reptiles). If Sierra or Squint get out of line, Tucker sets them straight. He was my son's Christmas gift in 1996. We never have to worry about someone sneaking into the house because he hears EVERYTHING and barks to alert us. And by the way, He is NOT spoiled! :)


Sierra is a purebred Yellow Labrador Retriever. We got her in January '98. This picture is about 5 months old and she is very small. Today she weighs in at around 65-70lbs. She loves to chew on wood, and vinyl toys. She is "much" bigger than Tucker, but she knows who the boss is, and when Tucker speaks, she listens. Just for the record, she ain't SPOILED either!

Here is a poem written by my long time 'net friend, Ayzha. You have probably seen her link listed in the left frame as "Ayzha's Attic" and also a button link to her free butons pages. There are other graphics located around my page(s) also done be her, so be sure to hit her link(s).

If I Could Live Forever

If I could live forever
By your bedside I would be
So in the morning hours
I'd be the first thing you would see

We'd run through fields of clover
With the cool breeze on our face
Don't worry if you slow down
For I would keep the pace

If you're away I'll guard our home
While wishing you were here
A gentle pat and words of love
They show me you are near

If I could live forever
I'd stay right by your side
My master and my keeper
Until the day I die

E-mail Zonker
E-mail Zonker

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since June 28,1998