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( Distributed to BEA membership August 24, 2001 )
- For the first time in over 25 years we return to school without a contract. Will this become a crisis, causing a disrupted school year, an uncertain learning environment for our students and their parents, a concern over our professional careers, and personal anguish? Or, is this an opportunity for our Association to unite, and become stronger, and work collectively to reach a fair contract settlement?
- Why are we at an impasse? Our Association had three goals going into negotiations, none of which has been met after 8 months of negotiations.
- 1. Cost of living increase for each salary step, and other money items.
- 2. A remedy to two tier salary schedule.
- 3. No co-pay for insurance.
- The Association has filed an unfair labor action.
- The Association has requested a state mediator attend negotiation sessions.
- The retirement incentive offered this summer shows little appreciation for loyalty and length of service to Blackhawk School District.
- Employees continue to leave for jobs in higher paying districts throughout Western Pennsylvania.
- If Blackhawk's PSSA test scores are compared to similar districts across the state, then our contract should be compared to those same districts as well.
- We are working harder than ever to implement state standards so our students can perform well on the PSSA test. We do so willingly, we deserve to be compensated for our additional efforts.
- A survey of our membership in the spring showed some interesting results. The following is based on 91 respondents:
- We spend 10.5 additional hours per week on school related activities.
- We spend another 9 hours per week on lesson preparation.
- K-2 teachers spend $ 420 of their personal money on classroom expenses.
- 89% of us received additional training in the last 5 years.
- And about half of us were involved in providing training.
- The 91 respondents applied for, on the districts behalf, and received over $ 700,000 in grants in the last ten years.
Opportunity or Crisis. There is no choice.
( Membership Update 9/13/01 )
There seems to be misinformation in the community, and even among some board members, about the status of negotiations. Here is some information to share with all concerned parties.
- Despite what you may have read in the newspaper, we are not a "handshake away" from a settlement.
- Nothing has changed since the membership met on August 28. In fact, nothing has changed since we left school in June.
- A follow-up letter has been sent to the leadership of booster groups and parent groups updating them on the current negotiation status.
- The next negotiations session is scheduled for September 17th with state mediator Mr. Joseph Lamensa.
- There is a natural concern in the community about a strike. They should know that a strike is one option along with other actions provided for in Act 88. In the event all other actions are exhausted and a strike is imminent, we are required to provide 48 hours notice.
- Do you feel overpaid? Word is that we are the highest paid teachers in Beaver County. That may or may not be true. However, when our salaries are matched to the schools across the state that our PSSA test scores are compared to, we come in near the bottom.
- At each building's open house, we are planning to demonstrate our unity and intense concern over the state of negotiations. More details will follow from your building reps.
- Bonfire or Burnout reminder. Thursday, September 20, after school at the Bourils. Suds, sodas and hot dogs provided. This is an official BEA event. Attendees will receive a ticket for the end of the year drawing on a free membership to BEA-PSEA-NEA.
( Membership Update 9/27/01 )
- The BEA and school board last met with state mediator Joseph Lamenza on Monday, September 17. No progress was made.
- On Friday, September 21 a board member was quoted in an article about the negotiations in the Beaver County Times. We feel the information given to the paper was intended to mislead the community. We are disappointed that this approach to a resolution was taken by the board.
- No future meeting has been scheduled as of Tuesday, September 25. The BEA is on record that it is willing to meet. A request is being made by the negotiation team to meet with the full board to restate and clarify our position.
( Delivered 9/27/01 )
Blackhawk Education Association
Negotiation Team
James R. Bouril
September 27, 2001
Blackhawk School District
Dr. John Hayward
Dear John,
The Blackhawk Education Association Negotiation Team is requesting to meet with all the school board members as soon as possible to discuss and clarify the progress of negotiations.
We are willing and available to meet for negotiation sessions at any time and on any day. Our meetings may take place even if the mediator is not present. We want to settle this contract. Working without a contract is not good for anyone.
James R. Bouril
cc: Dr. Guandolo