Why is this element important in everyday life?
Silver is important in everyday life. It has several everyday uses such as jewelry and coins. It's compounds such as silver chloride can be used in photography. The silver chloride compound is light sensitive.
Where is this element found in nature?
Silver is found in nature in rare deposits called lodes. But most of silver is found in compounds combined with zinc, copper, or potassium cyanide and then is refined to extract the silver. If the silver is found associated with copper, it is then electrically refined. After the electricity is applied, the silver sinks to the bottom of the tank and then is dissolved out using concentrated nitric acid. If it is found in a compound with sodium, it is taken out using the flotation process. The sample is placed in a tank of ore powder with a frothing agent. Then, jets of water make bubbles which causes the silver to float with the frothing agent. Now the floating silver is electrically refined.
What are the properties of the element?
Atomic Symbol = Ag
Period Number = 5
Group Number and Family Name =11, transition metals
Atomic Number = 47
Atomic Mass =107.9 u
Density =10.5 g/cm3
Melting Point =962 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point =2212 degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration =Ag-1s22s23s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s14d10
Shorthand Notation =Ag-[Kr] 5s14d10
Common Reactions =Tarnishes when exposed to hydrogen sulfide in some food and in the air. Reacts with highly concentrated nitric acid.
Interesting Information = The best conductor of heat and electricity there is. Equation for tarnishing of silver: 4 Ag + 2H2S + 02 = 2 Ag2S + 2 H2O
Who is Silver?
Hi I am Wilbur Silver. Let me tell you about myself. First of all, I'm a noble metal. That means I hardly ever react with anything except concentrated nitric acid. The other metals in my noble group are Gold, Platinum, and Mercury. Second, I'm a precious metal. I can be used in jewelry, money, and other things of high value. I'm also very rare in nature. I'm only found pure in scarce deposits called lodes. I'm usually found in compounds with Copper, Sodium, or Potassium cyanide. I don't like being with those elements, they're mean. You don't know how happy it makes me when those humans find me and refine me out. Then, they make me into jewelry or silverware, where I can put on display for the world too see. People also say I'm sensitive, to light that is. I'm often used in photography. But, I really hate it when people just leave their photos out exposed to air for several years. Then I tarnish with the low amount of hydrogen sulfide in the air. I hate this.