Why is this element important in everyday life?
Argon is important in everyday life because without it, we wouldn't be able to do many things. One of them being arc welding and cutting. Argon is used as a shielding gas to protect the metal from oxygen in the air. The most important use of argon, in my opinion, is in making light bulbs. Most ordinary light bulbs are filled with argon, and a little nitrogen. It prevents filaments from burning or evaporating. Argon is also used to provide color in one type of neon lamp. Whereas pure neon gives a red light, argon gives a blue light. It is also used in electric-arc technology, in gas lasers, in fluorescent tubes, radio vacuum tubes, and as a blanket for the production of titanium and other reactive elements. Argon has no compounds.
Where is this element found in nature?
Argon is continuously released into the atmosphere through decay of radioactive potassium in the Earth's crust. It is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, and constitutes approximately 1% of it. Argon is not found in its pure form, but obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air or by evaporating it from liquid air.
What are the properties of the element?
Argon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. This chemical element is classified as a noble gas. Being that it is a noble gas, it is extremely inactive. Also, it does not react readily with other chemicals. Again, argon has no compounds.
Atomic Symbol = Ar
Period Number = 3
Group Number and Family Name =18 Noble Gasses
Atomic Number = 18
Atomic Mass =39.948u
Density =0.00166g/mL
Melting Point =-189.2 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point =-185.86 degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration = 1s22s22p63s23p6
Shorthand Notation =[Ne]3s22p6
Common Reactions = None, argon does not react readily with other Chemicals.
Interesting Information =One thing I found to be interesting in my study of argon is that if argon is inhaled, the effect is opposite of that of helium. Helium makes your voice high-pitched, argon makes it deep. This can be very dangerous, and is not advised.
Who is Arrogant Argon ?
Hello, my name is Argon. Everyone that knows who I am calls me Ar for short. I live in a country called The United Elements of the Periodic Table (UEPT). In UEPT, there are 18 neighborhoods. I live in neighborhood number 18. That's where all of the noble gasses live, me being one of them. I live in house number three. Let me tell you a little more about myself.
I'm almost always an extremely happy element. What isn't there to be happy about? All of the other elements envy me, I'm of nobility, and I have people serving me left and right, (which allows me to be as lazy as I want to be). I am also very proud to say that I have the deepest voice out of all of the other elements. So you can see why I am such a happy man.
Although I am always content, there is one thing that bothers me from time to time. I have no true friends. I don't know who would not want to be friends with me. Maybe they just can't see me. I am colorless you know. I never have anything to9 do. Sodium and Chlorine get together and make salt. Calcium and Oxide always have a good time making lime, so why can't I ever have fun? I guess that's just part of being noble.
Whenever this problem starts to bother me, I always think about Nitrogen. She is the love of my life. Every time we're together, I can just feel myself glowing. My temperature changes rapidly to -189.2 degrees Celsius and I can feel myself melt. The only problem is that we could never officially be together. We're too different. It's not socially accepted for a man of nobility to marry a common woman.
This I have learned to accept. Thinking of her is the one thing that will keep me happy for the rest of my life.