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Barium -- by Jessica F.

Why is this element important in everyday life?

It is used in rat poison, it gives fireworks their green color, it is used in paint pigments, and people drink it as a medical cocktail to outline the stomach and intestines for x-rays.

Where is this element found in nature?

This element is not found in nature freely. Baryta was extracted from lime by Scheele in 1774. Sir Humphry Davy discovered Barium in 1808. It is only found in combination with other elements mostly in barite or sulfate and carbonate.

What are the properties of the element?

Who is Barium ?

Host: Hey! Welcome to The Element Dating Game everybody. Let’s meet today’s contestants.

First we have calcium. He says that he is a soft metal looking for love.

Next we have Beryllium. He claims to be a metallic metal ready for a date.

Last we have Barium. He is a silvery white like lead metal and is ready for a romantic evening.

Let’s start the game.

Now calcium, if you took out this lovely lady where would you take her and why?

Ca: I would take her out for ice cream. That way she gets some of my calcium for strong bones and teeth.

Host: Thank you calcium. OK Beryllium, where would you go?

Be: I would take her to a jewelry store and buy her an emerald since I help to make them.

Host: Alright. Barium, describe your date for us.

Ba: Well, first I would take her to a museum to look at all of the paintings, since I add the color green to them. Then, I would take her to a firework show to end the evening. I provide green to these also.

Host: Well, all very good answers. Now it is time to have our lady pick her date. Will it be date #1, date #2, or date #3?

Lady: I pick date #3-Barium!

Host: Congratulations Barium. May I ask why it is that you picked him?

Lady: He has so many great qualities!

Host: There you have it folks. See you next time on The Element Dating Game!