Why is this element important in everyday life?
Many thousands of the 10 million compounds are vital to organic and life processes. Without it the basis of life would be impossible.
Where is this element found in nature?
It is found free in nature as three forms: Amorphous, Graphite, and Diamond. A fourth form, "white" carbon is now thought to exist. It may be found in wide varieties of rocks, diamond-form, chalk, and limestone. And also can be found in abundance in the sun, stars, comets, atmospheres of most planets, and meteorites.
What are the properties of the element?
solid; shiny, blackish-silvery color; non-metal; reacts fiercely only at very high temperatures; no radioactivity; organic and inorganic compounds are important.
Atomic Symbol = C
Period Number = 2
Group Number and Family Name =group 14; carbon family
Atomic Number = 6
Atomic Mass =12.01115
Density =3.51 g/cm3
Melting Point =3700 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point =4200 degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration =1s2 2s2 2p2
Shorthand Notation =[He] 2s2 2p2
Common Reactions =C.F.C's-used in air conditioners and refrigerators; CO2-(carbon dioxide) main compound in the air, controls air-temperature.
Interesting Information =carbon-cycle in air, carbon is involved. Atoms can form very strong links with four other elements, which increases the number of patterns that carbon atoms can form. It has an unpleasant smell when in liquid-form. Some say it smells like rotting fish. It is also the main element in the compounds that form C.F.C's, which destroy the ozone layer, and is the main compound in pesticides (DDT), which can be life-threatening to people and animals if exposed.
Who is ?
Interviewer: " We are here today to bring you a live interview with one of our elements, who is also a chemistry teacher. We are interviewing him because he has a serious problem. So, let's talk to him and find out what his problem is…… Carbon, what is this big problem?"
Carbon: " Well, as you said already , I am a chemistry teacher. But because I am able to form compounds so easily, I can't touch anything. I make compounds out of everything."
Interviewer: "That does sound like a big problem! Do you have any stories you can share with us to give us an example to picture this with?"
Carbon: " Well, yes. As a matter of fact, I do. Its kind of funny to hear it but the result isn't funny at all, if you can't tell by looking at me……It was during my second period class, and I had my students working on a lab. I had a student in my homeroom set the stuff up for me because I couldn't touch any of the chemicals. Well, during the lab, we ran out of a certain chemical, and I had to go in the back room. So, I put gloves on and went to get it.. As soon as I came out of the room, I tripped over a cord I had taped to the floor that went to the fish tank, and the chemical flew out of my hands and went straight up, over my head. It came down right on my head. So, of course with my luck, it had to be the chemical that with me forms chalk. And as you can see, I am now a big piece of chalk! And I'm stuck like this until I figure out how to reverse it."
Interviewer: "That is a big problem."
Carbon: " Yeah, it is!"
Interviewer: "Have you come even close to being able to reverse it?"
Carbon: "A few times, but I'm always a few steps behind!"
Interviewer: "And how do you feel about the fact that you very well be just a big piece of chalk for the rest of your life?"
Carbon: "Its naturally very upsetting and depressing! But, as they say, there's no use crying over spilled chemicals!"
Interviewer "I am amazed at how well you are handling this devastating situation. I mean, to be able to joke about it, that's amazing!"
Carbon: "Well, the way I see it is I have far too many jobs in this world to just give up hope. At least this way if I keep my spirit alive maybe we'll find a cure."
Interviewer: "Amazing! Well Folks, I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Thank you so much for sharing your unusual but sad story. We hope everything turns out in the end!"
Carbon: "And thank you so much for having me on your show!"