Why is this element important in everyday life?
Calcium is very important for everyday life. It is imperative for humans and plants. It is vital for humans. Calcium maintains a human's heartbeat and helps in clotting the blood. It is the most abundant mineral in the human body. The most famous use of calcium is the formation of bones and teeth. If one obtains an insufficient amount of calcium it could result into a disease known as osteoporosis. Calcium compounds are used every single day. They form gravel, pearls, plaster, chalk, cement, bathtub rings, and marble. Before, calcium could not help industry but today it is used as a deoxidizer in many metals including copper, stainless steel, and nickel. Calcium hydroxide is used in soil to balance acidity and breaks it down. It is a strong base to neutralize tough acids. Calcium is used for a variety of things. It is essential for everyday life and for humans to stay alive. If there was no calcium in the world we would not be able to survive. There would be no world.
Where is this element found in nature?
Calcium is not found in nature because it is very reactive. Once it comes in contact with air it turns yellow. In 1808 Sir Humphry Davy isolated calcium by the use of electrolysis. Calcium is captured by electrolysis by fused calcium chloride. This is a very expensive process.
What are the properties of the element?
Calcium is a soft, silvery white colored metal. It's in a solid state. It's a ductile, malleable metal. It is usually in small pieces, pellets. Calcium is the third most abundant metal and reacts with other elements to form compounds. The most common reactivity is with water and air.
Calcium has many compounds. The most common compound is calcium carbonate, limestone. It can make crystals called calcite, which are transparent. Another calcium compound forms crystals known as Blue John or fluorspar. It obtains its name from the French words, bleue and jaune, meaning blue and yellow. That is its color. Calcium hydroxide is a white solid and a soil conditioner. Calcium sulfate forms alabaster and gypsum. It is called Plaster of Paris. Calcium fluoride makes fluorite and calcium phosphate makes silicates.
Calcium is not radioactive. Although it has six stable and many radioactive isotopes. As you can see calcium is used for many things in the world.
Atomic Symbol =Ca
Period Number =4
Group Number and Family Name =Group two and belongs to the Alkaline-Earth metals family
Atomic Number =20
Atomic Mass =40.08
Density =1.55g/mL
Melting Point =839 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point =1,484 degrees Celsius
Electron Configuration =Ca-1s22s22p63s23p64s2
Shorthand Notation =Ca-[Ar]4s2
Common Reactions =Calcium has one common reaction which is with water. For example a block of calcium oxide is set down and then water is poured on one side of it. The water soaks through and disappears. The block gives off steam from the heat and swells. This produces a hydrogen gas and an alkaline solid.
Interesting Information = Calcium is a very interesting element. The body contains 1,200 grams of calcium whereas the skeleton makes up 99% of it and one percent goes to the cell membrane, extracellular fluids, and intracellular structure. It is important to muscle contractions and the transmission of nerve impulses. It regulates glycogen synthesis and makes up one fiftieth of a human's body.
Calcium takes up 3.6 percent of the mass of the Earth's crust. It is the fifth most abundant element in the crust. Calcium also forms lead-calcium alloys, which makes bearings for grids in storage batteries. Calcium is one of the most essential elements for humans and everyday life.
Who is Callie Silverstone ?
Callie Silverstone and Crystal Atrwe are two doctors who are starting a business together along with three of their friends. These two are completely different and argue about everything. To understand the story one will have to know the people in it.
Callie Silverstone is a very unique person. She has blond hair with a silvery tint to it. She is petite and thirty years old. She is quick-tempered but a nice, gentle person whom everyone adores. Callie is the third best bone doctor in the world. In her short time as a doctor she has saved 1,200 lives.
Callie's best friend and main rival, Crystal Atrwe is completely different from Callie. She is bold and very stubborn. She is the second best bone doctor in the world. The two are always competing.
Crystaline Stone, Heidi, and Ms. Paris are all helping form this hospital. Crystal is designing the equipment that the doctors will need. Heidi is designing the outside. She is planting flower gardens and anything else one can think of. Ms. Paris is designing the hospital. All five friends will have to work together to complete this project.
After days of arguing Callie and Crystal finally decided on the design of the building. Callie wanted something conventional whereas Crystal wanted something bold and new. They met in the middle and compromised. After that decision everyone thought it would be a piece of cake from then on. Boy, were they wrong. Callie and Crystal argued about everything from the flower gardens to the interior design. Crystaline, Heidi, and Ms. Paris always had to intervene. If it weren't for those three anything would be resolved. They held the project together. After two years of decisions, arguments, and designing everything was finished. All they had to do now is pick a name for the hospital.
Both Callie and Crystal were unrelenting. Callie wanted a nice, normal name. She liked the name, Silverstone and Atwre Bone Speciality Hospital. Crystal hated the name because it was too dull. She wanted it to be called Highly Reactive Friendship Hospital. Crystal thought this was hilarious because that is how she thought of their friendship. Their friends announced that if the did not come up with a name, together, they would never talk to them again. Both names disappeared and a new one appeared. After one day of thinking and arguing Callie and Crystal came up with a name. They decided to call the hospital, Ninety - Nine Percent Friendship, One- Percent Argument Equals One Hundred Percent Dedication and Curing. They called it ninety - Nine One for short.
From that long day Callie and Crystal learned much about friendship. No matter how different each is they can always meet in the middle with an agreement. When they came in contact with one another they are very reactive but they forget their disagreements and become the best of friends. After that their friendship lasted forever and so did the hospital.